My wife had told me this earlier, but either because I was so hopped up on drugs or that I was dying of pain, it didn't register. But I guess the reason why there's been such a headache and the pain has been worse in one corner of my mouth is because the wisdom tooth in the lower right was actually so messed up it had grown into my jawline. So they essentially had to cut into the bone in my face to free up that tooth, and that's why the pain is causing the headaches.
Today it's doing better than the other mornings, still pain in minor touches, but I did go all night without any middle of the night doses of anything. Eating is still a pain - last night I had antibiotic pasta with antibiotic Diet coke, which all taste bitter and icky. Man, I want real food so bad. Like a big Subway sandwich.
Oh well, gotta do some serious work now. Fell behind all week.
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