Thursday, February 8, 2007

Da Pain, Boss! Da Pain!

Dude, the last two days were hellish.

Between the sore gums, the swollen cheeks, and the very intense headaches that could've been migraines, I haven't had enough focus to work, to goof off, or to even relax. Most of the time I could just lay there so that I'd feel better, and then try to stay awake so that I wouldn't sleep so much.

My headaches have been really bad, including the one last night after I slept for about two hours. I woke up and there was this ring of pain, starting from my gum line and moving toward my ears, and then like a big band of pain that encased my head in pain. I was actually afraid that there was going to be some brain damage when I woke up the next morning because it was so intense. Either that or I'd lose certain knowledge about certain things - enough to bother me but not enough to be diagnosed as any real medical condition. Like I'd only remember 3 of the 4 Beatles. Or my inability to hear every 24th word that comes out of everyone's mouth. Or I couldn't see the color cyan. Or I'd develop some abstract fear of the artificial banana flavor, but will be perfectly fine with the fruit itself. Or whenever the word, "because" is mentioned, I'd just instinctively punch the first person within my reach. Something like that.

My cheeks have been something of a freak condition the last two days. I'd look down and I couldn't see my toes because of my cheeks. They look like Vito Corleone's cheeks after a bee attack. My words haven't been coming out right either. And I can't smile without wincing in pain.

But so far, the headaches have been the worst. After I took my Vicodin, 4 advils, and half of my Mom's migraine medication and about an hour of Conan, I actually had a restful sleep last night. I'm doing okay today so far, and I think it's all going to be okay. Of course, this means I have to go back to work.

Oh well.

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