The kids looked at each other. Then burst out laughing. Alex then stuck out his tummy to pretend to be a fat boy while Zoe pointed and laughed.
So Alex finished his dinner and wanted some Valentine chocolates, and Zoe said, "You finished your dinner fast! You're like a squirrel!"
This morning after breakfast, the kids wanted some of the chocolate that they had given each other. Zoe has a hollow chocolate dog and Alex has a chocolate fish, which was alright I suppose. But then Alex requested the head of the fish, and Zoe wanted the dog's nose, so my wife snapped the head off the fish, then took a butterknife and proceeded to stab at the dog's face, chipping his nose off for Zoe to consume. Now there's a slightly disgruntled snoutless pooch on the table staring at me, plotting my demise.
So following the extensive incriminatory playlist from Rock Band that I posted, I had actually purchased some new music before my wife's unspoken comment about how I should quit buying new music for a while. Never heard them before, but I decided to preview them on the Music Store, and they sounded pretty good. Just caught my attention. So I bought the 3 pack and now I'm a fan of The Fratellis. And because I care, here's are the videos of the songs I bought.
And the Third Video isn't embeddable, but here's the link.
Awfully fun to play as well, just haven't sung or played bass. Drums are fun on those...
We've been going through a rough patch with Alex lately, and it's not easy to really describe because we don't honestly think that he's misbehaving to get attention, or he has ill intentions, but he just always manages to get himself into some kind of disagreement with us. One day it will be arguing with us when we tell him to do something, or not listening to instructions, or sometimes he would just do something so inexplicable that we just don't know what to do with him. So we're constantly having to balance ourselves between being sensitive to his needs, but also not letting him get away with everything. If we were too sensitive to his needs, we risk enforcing and enabling his behavior, which means that he'll stay developmentally behind, doing things that he should've grown out of a while ago. If we are too harsh, we risk alienating him, making him feel inferior and unimportant. So this balancing act is now a constant with us. Making him feel included but giving him room, being firm on his behavior with compassion. This parenting gig is tough, man. The kids have been hinting at a dog and I can't even fit that into my life. There's a guy a couple years older than me at work with 5 kids, one on the way, and I just think he's flipping nuts. I can barely handle two with an imaginary pet.
So part of their Valentine's gift was a promise from Christmas to get them Build-A-Bear creatures, and we just so happen to make it to the mall yesterday when I remembered. So we went in, and 60 some freaking dollars later, we have Stella in a stunning pink evening gown, and George in some casual cargo pants with a T-Shirt. The kids have been as attached to their new friends as the boxes they came in, and they seem to really form an attachment to them because they were created right in front of them. At least that's what us parents want to believe to keep from losing our poop for spending all that money on stuffed animals. Well, there's a first and last time for everything.

So listening to Smodcast, and being an avid surfer of the internet, I know a lot of things because I'm twisted like that. So I was talking to my wife in the car and it went like this:
Wife: So did you guys use to do Valentine cards in your school when you were young?
Me: I was at an all boys Christian school. I don't think that was something they wanted to promote.
Me: So I said to Dansen, the premature guy would be the King of the circle jerk because he would never have to eat the cookie and for once, he would feel good about himself...
Wife: So did you use to play that?
Me: What? No! What the @#$!%$@...
And then I went on for minutes talking about football, Jessica Alba's ass, and cars. Then I clubbed a seal to death with my bare hands and then fornicated with with the carcass. Manly, manly stuff.
Except I think the seal was a female.