Friday, August 1, 2008

I gots ink.

IMG00104.JPG, originally uploaded by diegomcnamara.

We had a one hour meeting whereby they were teaching us about a program that we wouldn't be using, and I was falling asleep. So I had to do something to keep awake.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My wife claims she's having a pretty good birthday today, which makes me happy. We didn't do anything too elaborate - we drove to Renton and went to the Southcenter mall, which has a new name that I've forgotten. The facelift they had is pretty impressive, it looks like a mall in a different city. We just walked around and then scooted to Jimmy Mac's for lunch.

The kids got a kick out of being able to drop peanut shells on the floor, which they did every chance they got. There were even a variety of drops, from the elaborate toss to the causal dangle drop, and the sweep off the table for good measure.

We had a full rack each, which is a damn lot of food, ribs bigger than my head, which is quite sizable in its own meat and bones right. We had about half the meal before packing it in, before we headed home. My gamble with the almost empty gas tank was almost lost, I think we were maybe a mile away from a dead stall.

We also stopped at REI to pick up the trailer bike, which ran 200 bucks more than I'd care to spend. But since Alex won't be able to catch up with us for quite some time, he will have to tag along with us. He won't quite fit in the bucket seat anymore, so it was the next step up. And after that was a stop for ice cream cake at DQ, and then home for a while.

This is my life. I'm sitting waiting for Alex in his martial arts class, and listening to my podcasts on my phone. I glanced over to the video playing in the dojo, which shows a certain monk with a sword doing drunken fighting. And the song in my head is a chorus chanting, "Sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep..." its an interview with Eric Idle talking about his musical rendition of "Life of Brian". Or something.

Tonight's agenda is ice cream cake, Rock Band, and sleep. I definitely need my 7 to 8 hours every night I think. My sanity depends on it. But I hope its been a good birthday for my wife. Happy birthday, honey.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Taking a half day off so that I can go to an auditory counseling deal about Alex. Because my wife has a new watch, or perhaps even more factually because she doesn't like to be late, we are at the doctors office 25 minutes before we're actually required to be here.

Overslept this morning because I went to bed late last night. I guess playing Rock Band till 11 something at night and then having to wake up in the morning is not a terribly smart thing to do. Nonetheless, I'm happy to report that my wife is smitten with Rock Band. She was settling to be the singer but I think after she saw me banging away on the drums, she wanted in on it. After a half hour she was hooked, and we played for about an hour and a half on a tour before our visions starting glossing. It is a tremendously fun and rewarding game though the price tag is certainly a huge factor. Opening the kits and guitar, one could only imagine how much of the price tag could be attributed to the licensing of the Ludwig drumsticks and Fender guitar. Nonetheless, it is a great game, I think a viable primer for using real instruments. I guess Rock Band 2 is also compatible with our gear, so we only have to upgrade the game itself. Although its a little tough for the kids to get, I figured out how to hook it up to my iBook and through garageband, utilize the drum kit as a basic drum set. Awesomeness!

Listened to the last episode of The Bryant Park Project that was actually aired last Friday and it was quite heartbreaking. They've been on the air for about a year but the staff has essentially become a second family amongst themselves, and it was touching to hear them say goodbye to each other. I'll miss the show as well, and trying to replace that show with stupid gaming podcasts.

Tomorrow is E's birthday so we will likely go down to Jimmy Macs and have us some barbeque ribs or something. And then have some ice cream cake. And play more Rock Band.