Sunday, February 4, 2007

Eve of Oral Destruction, Sunshine

Yeah, I probably procrastinated a little more than I should have tonight. I could've had the videos out by tomorrow, but I chose instead to watch an inane amount of entertainment tonight, starting with Hello Kitty for the kids and then Little Miss Sunshine. I thought I'd try Hello Kitty since we did catch a couple clips on youtube and Zoe seems to really like it. And she did for the most part, until Kerropi's segments came about - then she was bored. Little Miss Sunshine was something I've been meaning to watch, but since my wife opted for something a little lighter, I thought it might fit the bill. And hell, I've got to watch at least one Oscar nominated film this year.

And the film was somewhat what I thought it would be, but a little different. It had less jokes and was darker in tone than I expected, but it pulled it all off really well without making you feel cheated or icky at the end. It was funny but not comical, dark but not depressing - it just kinda pushes you close to the edge but reels you back in without force. I think it's a great balance they achieved - I'd recommend it.


So tomorrow morning I'm going to get some wisdom teeth yanked from my mouth, and I'm not entirely even sure if it's the right ones I'm thinking about. Based on my phone descriptions and x-rays, they arranged for them to be yanked without a real consultation, so I'm a little worried I might come to with wooden dentures, or steel grills, like Jaws. I think Brushed Metal would look nice. I'd certainly smile more if I looked like a refrigerator. I hate going to the dentist anyway, so the thought of an oral surgeon is just giving me a huge hard on, as you could imagine.


I feel bad about Zoe today. She's had a couple wake-ups tonight and I think it's because I gave her a hard time today. She was making a bloody racket during naptime and I went in with a warning that Grandma was sleeping, and she needed to be quiet. I had to go in a couple times again with verbal warnings and then when I heard Alex, I went in and he told me that Zoe was eating a book. Well, not exactly eating it, but she was ripping up her Richard Scary book and throwing the pieces on the floor. This kinda got me pissed because it was a book I'd really wanted to get for them and had put off because it was on the pricey side. So I confiscated the book and gave her a swat, and told her that it wasn't nice to treat books like that.

Later on, she was reprimanded again because she started coloring on a video box - just really doing odd things that she knows she's not supposed to be doing. I don't know - she was fine the rest of the night, but I think she probably didn't have the best day ever, and I feel a little bad for being so heavy on the whole book thing. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for us. I know she won't be getting any flak from a half-conscious, toothless and drugged up Daddy.

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