I should be in bed now, but since my teeth has decided to act up again, I'm just staying up, waiting for the Tylenol to kick it. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyway, with the pain. Yes, this pain was as bad as the pain that brought me into the dentist's office in the first place, before all that wisdom teeth got yanked.
Incidentally, I got an explanation of the benefits from that procedure today, and somehow when they said 90 percent coverage, in layman math, it's more like 50 percent. Which means I might have a thousand plus balance I have to pay. I'll be talking to them soon.
We've been watching "The Riches" on FX, and it's different. The main reason why I'm watching it is because of Eddie Izzard, whom I think is one of the best comedians out there because his comedy is not the usual stereotype baiting crap that floats around. He doesn't have to necessarily demean the other sex or another race to get a cheap laugh. He has an absurdist type of humor, which I think is something I enjoy, being a Stephen Chow fan on top of that. Anyway, I can't help but watch the show and think, hee hee, that's Izzard trying to be American. From Louisiana. Minnie Driver's pretty good, other than the fact that she's always looked a bit... acute to me. I dunno, her face is both very obtuse and acute, like a contradictary face that's easy and hard to look at.
So, Eddie himself has commented in his standup that he does two accents - James Mason and Sean Connery. In this he's doing Eddie with the British toned down. It's not here or there, but he's still fun to look at. And why the other "travellers" in camp look more like cast members of "My Name is Earl" and why Eddie Izzard looks like a real estate agent is beyond me. But the series itself is interesting, the concept is interesting, and I'm watching it because it's Eddie.
Zoe has a flair for threatrics, something that was recessive in our genes that somehow surfaced despite a lack of influence from her mother, her older sisters, or any TV show we watch. Admittedly, a lot of shows we watch are either catered more to boys or the asexual persuasion, but Zoe's just got that Princess breed in her.
Tonight at dinner, my wife was talking to me, and Zoe tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned to look at Zoe, Zoe had this flirty little smirk on her face, and she did this dainty little wave with her fingers, shrugged her shoulders and crinkled her nose. If she wasn't my child, I'd swear she was some showbiz acting kid trying to get a spot of Barney. Them showkids on Barney make me physically angry. I actually don't mind Barney, but man, those kids with their over acting...
But she did that and I just burst into laughter. It was cute, but I think I laughed because it was so brilliantly cheesy and innocent at the same time.
We're trying to figure out Alex today. He's been not listening, acting a little too independent, and perhaps a little sensitive as well. He can be defiant when we ask him something, but once we raise our voice, sometimes he just falls apart, even if we're not really that angry, but just want to be heard. He plays beyond acceptable boundaries sometimes, being a little rough with us or Zoe, or just play fighting with us and shoving things at our faces - it's all normal boy behavior, I suppose, but it's a little aggressive even for me. I really want to instill some compassion into him and get him to control the aggression a little...
And just trying to give him due attention because he is really a sweet boy. I actually like it during bedtime because he's really cuddly then. He'll demand a hug, a kiss, and he'll say, "Goodnight, Daddy."
We were watching a video of him tonight from two years ago, and you could pluck the sighs out of the air. They sure do grow fast.