Saturday, February 3, 2007

My Mouth is a Battlezone, call the Police!

So my teeth didn't hurt in the usual spot today - seems like the pain is coming from the top right portion of my mouth, and it's smarts everytime I draw a deep breath, eat, drink, or think about it. Like right now.

And tonight, we thought we'd take the kids to a McDonald's playground, but since our usual hangout was closed for renovation, we sought another Mc D's out in Kirkland and went there. Well, the website lied about having a playland, and in addition to that, they serve criminally salty ass fries. I am not kidding. The roof of my mouth is raw and preserved now, and I'm really thirsty too. My lips feel like sunburned slugs and my tongue like leathered jerky.

And is it just me, or are you excited about the reunion of The Police at the Grammys? I'm not a hardcore fan or anything, but I do like their music.

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