Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My 300th Post and Very Big News

Well, after being on the fence for such a long time about it, we finally decided that we are, after all, going to move to Hawaii. It wasn't an easy decision, since we weren't too sure about the school system for the kids and the warmer climate affecting Alex's terrible cooling system, but I think this is definitely an important new start for our lives. The kids are young enough to adapt, and my wife and I are just ready to get out of the rat race, and just enjoy living and working somewhere in Maui. It'll be a little tougher financially, but working 58 hours a week and then having a weekend that sees snow in the Spring is just nonsense.

Anyway, we've already scoured the web a little bit, and there's a few videography positions open that is comparable to what I've done in the past. My wife will look into something retail oriented hopefully, but there should be an abundance in the tourism industry as well. We've narrowed it down to 3 neighborhoods, Kaimuki, Waikapu, and Kaanapali... the rents in those neighborhood is about what we can afford, and unfortunately that's only about a 1 bedroom. It isn't big, but we figured we could let the kids have the room and we'd sleep in the living room.

We're looking at a July or August move, in order to accomodate Alex starting Kindergarten. So yeah, pretty soon. It's all very sudden and exciting at the same time, but I'll keep you all posted as we sort out more details. Meanwhile here's a few pictures from Hawaii to get us in the mood! Enjoy!

Farewell to Maui (for now), originally uploaded by Oldvidhead.

Haleakala Sunrise, originally uploaded by Oldvidhead.

honomanu bay, originally uploaded by IHP.

Oh, and by the way...

Happy April Fool's Day!


neonvirus.com said...

OMG... this is a joke right?? >.<;; i was so shocked... did you mention the hawai'i thing WAAAAY back when just to set up this joke??? what the heck!! oh and yeah, I've been reading your cool posts (feels like quality of your writing is on a high btw) but havent been commenting, too lazy)

Arctic Pawz said...

you got me there too! My wife was next too me and I told her and then realised that it was an April Fool's joke ! and she laughed at me for being so naive, but I must say, you really got me! Great writing ... keep it up!