Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!

In a way, it was a day of celebration followed by a day of regression. We had such a fun day yesterday on our anniversary, and the kids had such a fun time with Grandma giving them lots of attention and goodies, that today we basically have to readjust. The kids forgot how to listen to basic instructions, and we forgot how to be unselfish and accommodating. But that's old new. Here's the happy recap that was yesterday.

To be forthcoming, since I was comatose the previous day, completely flunked out in the melon, I didn't plan anything for the anniversary. Even in the morning, I had no idea what we were going to do. But my wife got me a card and in it was a Gift Card for TGIF, so that was dinner plans right there. But we rigged out a rough plan, tricked Alex with a white lie (No, you can't go with us because Mama is afraid to be here by herself and she needs a ninja and a princess to protect her.), and drove down to Seattle.

Armed with a coupon, we went into the Seattle Art Museum, with the idea that art should not be enjoyed with a force of impatience perpetually yanking on one of your limbs. The coupon was dumped because they had a special exhibit, "Rome", and the ticket was not good for that. So it went from cheapie tickets to 40 hams for the both of us. Then we got in line and started the Roman art and history goodness.

Sarcophagus, originally uploaded by makoshark00.

The exhibit was pretty impressive, although after a while the statues seemed samey. It was a little interesting that during the audio tours, they incorporate local personalities to comment on the statues or reliefs, and for the most part, they were ridiculous. The local historians and artists had good comments, but hearing Christine Gregoire, the current Washington Governor, compare bronzed public notices to framed WASL tests in peoples homes was just absurd. There was also a local football coach in there, offering the metaphor that, "...he was the quarterbacks of quarterbacks..." It was just goofy. There was also our sophomoric observation that a lot of the male nude statues had their penises chiseled off, which according to my wapedia on my sidekick, was censorship possibly from Christians. So that bit was interesting. We were there for like 3 hours, and then realized that we haven't really spent much time in the rest of the museum. So we skimmed the rest of it and had a light lunch at Westlake, before heading back to our neighborhood.

We hung out at Best Buy for a bit before having dinner at TGIF, and I had tasty tasty lobster Tortellini. My wife had chicken bruschetta or something, and then we went to see "The Bank Job."

Now "The Bank Job" is slightly marred by the presence of Jason Statham, who has about the same acting range of Bruce Willis. It's like putting the same actor in different movies, and watching him do essentially the same thing. And the quality of his movies have been iffy, since his last great movie basically was his first and second, with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and Snatch. His movies aren't bad, they're just teenage boy movies. The movie is a grown-up departure because there's little of the chaotic slam-bang action he's usually associated with. He's still charming as always, but he's doing a bit more acting and less action star posturing. The story itself is fascinating, especially since it's "Based on a True Story." The pacing, the dialogue, the characters are plenty good, with the right amount of flash and the right amount of heft to it. It was better than I expected, not as boring as the user reviews would suggest, but not as dim as the critics made it out to be. A decent looker. I went home and being the dork I am, googled the story up and essentially, the core of the story can be verified, though the branching storylines could very well be fiction. It's all fascinating stuff though.

Oh, interesting to note though, during dinner it started to snow a bunch. Yeah, it's almost April and it was coming down thick and heavy. None of it stuck, but it was surreal to a fella who was brain dead for the past 24.

We went home and agreed that it was a great anniversary day. My wife had given me four cards throughout the day, placing 3 of the cards on the seat of my car after I exited each time, so when I returned I saw it on the seat. I was getting worried that I was so sick I was pooping out Hallmark cards. But there were nice cards, and there was even two gift cards, including a Best Buy one. That one I tried to spend but will probably use it later for MarioKart.

I'll have to come up with something romantic to write her later. My laptop is boiling my bladder so I have to go for now.

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