Yeah, blogging on Vicodin.
I haven't had a good toothache in a while, and perhaps that's why I've been a little careless with my sugar intake. Anyway, I was chewing on this European chocolate bar that has this bittersweet taste to it, and didn't mind it at all. But afterwards, I had an aching on my two front teeth, which then spread to the bottom ones and then during a Wii game, it got so bad that my head was pounding. The headache is usually the worst part of a toothache, and I just had to take a Vicodin because the Percocet I had taken just wasn't doing it.
Well, dishes got done in a quick hurry, and then the garbage got taken out lickety split. And now when the words do form in my head, they're coming out through my fingertips lighting fast. I just know I'm going to sleep well tonight.
Had another job interview today, as a shipper/receiver. The staffing company liked me okay, now it's up to the actual company to okay me to start. It's related to my last job in a way, so it should be a cinch. It's not anything exciting, but at this point I just want to be employed.
I went for an "interview" yesterday at the movie theater, and after finding out it was only part time and the pay was 7-8 bucks an hour, it was pretty much out of mind. They didn't really interview, it was just a list of questions and this one: What is your favorite movie and why?
Flicka. Because horses are the greatest.
Actually, I said that it was a rather broad question because any true movie-loving nerdball like me would simply reply, "Which genre of what year?" But I just chose "Fight Club" because it was one that popped into my head. I was given a reference form but I just tossed it out. I can't live on 7-8 bucks an hour.
We went to the Seattle Japanese Garden today and it was kinda nice. It wasn't as grand as I thought it might be, but it was still really nice. The kids got to see some things they've never seen before, so they were pretty happy about it. I'll get some photos up soon.
God, my heart's just racing.
By the way, I'm pretty upset about the recent slate of news of men killing their families. The professional wrestler, the pregnant wife, and the guy who blamed his wife for the shooting... It's odd to say this, but whatever happened to just running away or divorce? I think it's just terrible when kids have to pay the price of adult mistakes.
I was watching something on the history channel and the factoid that Budapest had a drunk driving BAL limit of 0.0 struck me as awesome. I think if I ever had the money to do it, I would run for Governor or Mayor on the very radical platform of drunk driving will warrant serious jail time, serious offending would be caning, and guns are just illegal. I will not get elected, but I think that's the issue right there. Politicians are so afraid of not getting any votes if they were that radical that they play it safe, and nothing ever gets accomplished. It would take a radical candidate to bring those ideas to the forefront, that someone is willing to put that subject on the table, and is willing to risk the popular vote to do it.
We just read so much bad news about these terrible things like gun deaths, drunk driving deaths, and it seems that nobody wants to really do anything about it. They'd rather just talk about it over and over until nobody wants to talk about it anymore.
All we need are some candidates who truly take a solid stance, and then the idea would become less more commonplace and acceptable. Think of it. No tolerance for drunk driving. It's really not that tough of a stance.
making gun deaths illegal? lets just go for making all death illegal! wooo! btw, whats vicadian? super asprin or something? i hear about that a lot but i dont really know..
im still buzzing from seeing that old video project you emailed me.. nice stuff
Yeah, I'm going to make death illegal. Anyone who dies will be punishable by, ironically, DEATH! You monkey, I meant making guns very regulated - to the point whereby you'd have to go through background checks, safety classes, and permits would have to be retaken every year. So it wouldn't be illegal, just very very hard to maintain a firearm.
Vicodin's a painkiller that was left over from my dentists, usually it's just okay, but I doubled it with Perocet and it had my heart racing.
As a gun owner and a person who grew up in house with easily over 10 guns, I would totally agree with restricting guns to a point. But that would never fly up here. If you are even remotely pro gun control you can't even get nominated by the democratic party.
But it does seem sort of weird that you have to have a license to drive a car and you have to go back every four years and get that license renewed. But I can walk into any wal-mart around here and walk out ten minutes later with a handgun and box of ammo. But I think in general people around here are a lot more responsible with guns because everyone has at least one in their house and if you grew up up here you learned about gun safety. They even had a week long class in my junior high on gun safety. I would never give up the right to have guns (even though I don't think that the 2nd Ammendment gave the right to private citzens to own guns), but would gladly agree that they should be much much more regulated than they are now. I mean the other day in a neighborhood in the middle of Anchorage a little was stomped by a moose and somebody shot the moose to save the kid. And we are surrounded by those godless killing machine bears. Last week I went to play frisbee golf and there were signs warning of bear danger all over the course. I sort of wished I had a gun with me then even though I know that if a bear decided he wanted to eat me a gun probably wouldn't help, unless it is a very very big gun not like any of the ones that I own or want to own.
See now, Alaska I can understand, because there is more wildlife around and hunting is very much a way of life here, as in some other states. In urban cities though, I don't think kids get the same respect and education about guns as they should be getting.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be a gun nut if I could afford it, and if I have a safe place to put it. Sport shooting at the gun range sure does look like a lot of fun to me. What I don't know about is that anybody can get a gun, regardless of their mental health or state of mind. The VT shooter didn't have a history of violence, and it was his first time purchasing firearms.
Of course, to say that you gotta pass a psych test before you can purchase a gun just opens up more cans of worms, but I reckon guns do end up in the wrong hands too often to be ignored.
Thanks for your input, Atom. I actually don't have any friends who do own guns, and your perspective definitely gives me stuff to think about.
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