I'll deal with the third bit to get it out of the way - but Steve Jobs announced that all full-time and part timers who've been with the company for over a year will get a free iPhone in July, once the initial sales have settled. I'm insanely jealous of that, even though I'm not sure if I could afford the 60 bucks a month for contract service. Seems like you could use it as a GoPhone, but I couldn't imagine the rates being very good as a multimedia type phone. Who knows. But damn, it's a great day to be an employee. Somewhere on the news it says that Apple has upward of 18,000 full timers. What was the last great thing your company did for you?
Freddy's just eliminated the double discount in favor for the much more selective employee discount, so that sucks. Besides, I've always thought that employee discounts were cannibalistic in nature. They give you the impression that it's a company perk, but the discount isn't deep enough to say, "I value you as an employee."
The good news is that I finally got a job, a shipping/receiving position at a medical supplies company in town. It pays okay, and there's a tremendous need for overtime at the moment, which means a bit more money.
The not-as-great news (but still not terrible) is that it is still a contract position, so I could be looking again in 9 months. The contract could be extended, or they could decide to keep me on, but that's as certain as an actual nice, summer day in Washington. Also, the job is 5AM to 4PM. So overtime would be on a Friday, which is good. 5 AM would hurt. I'm infamously bad with mornings, but I guess at least it's always going to be 5am, instead of bouncing back and forth as I did with my previous jobs.
The other good news isn't really news, just interesting info. We're going through the house to clear out some junk, and I put together Zoe's old crib yesterday and chucked it on Craigslist for 50 bucks, and by the end of the end, it was sold and out of the house. Some of the other stuff didn't get any replies yet, but at least it's free.
Yeah, yesterday I got the news about the job, then made 75 bucks from selling stuff (the other from ebay.), so I felt kinda productive.
But anyway, time for some RE4. I'm already past the middle of the game, but I guess it gets tougher from here on out.
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