Tuesday, January 30, 2007

MarioKart, Chipper Revived

Haven't been playing the Wii lately, not because I've grown tired of the games. In fact, there's still a lot I have to do on it, but I've been purposely avoiding it because I know there's a lot of other crap I have to get to first. If I get on the Wii, I just have problems getting off it.

However, after learning that MarioKart 64 is available to download on the Virtual Console on the Wii, I forked over 10 dollars which was to be our family's dinner Friday night, to download the game. Funny thing is, I never owned the 64 version of MarioKart (or any other version other than the DS), but I've always been a big fan of MarioKart. I actually try to like a lot of racing games, but due to one reason or another, they get too obsessed with the racing and doesn't give you much else to do. I can always pick up MarioKart and have fun - Gran Turismo never did anything for me.


Once again, I've taken the peed on the Chipper Report, neutralizing yet another format. It's changed format three times due to the fact that I never had time to invest into sticking to one format, but I think this one might have a chance. Basically, it's media that makes me happy. Since I spend so much time surfing, I do come across some pretty interesting stuff. I would blog it before, but it always got a little lost. So, I've got a couple posts up already, so you might want to check out The Chipper Report.


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