Jump up, jump up and get down.
Actually, the title doesn't so much refer to cool Irish rappers, but rather the state of our house. Everyone is stricken with something, with severity ranging from phantom owies to plague like conditions that used to thin out civilizations. We're just cool like that.
Alex and Zoe, thankfully, are fine. Alex has a slight case of the crazies, but usually we just call that mornings. Nothing out of the ordinary. Zoe has a slight case of the melancholies, she was climbing up a different ladder type thing at the playground and when she got on top, we applauded her and cheered her on. She looked at us deadpan for a few moments, and then just sighed and went on her way.
My mother's had headaches on and off, but her neck/shoulder has been bothering her the most. She wakes up from the pain, with pain, and she's going to go for physical therapy soon. I probably will have to drive her despite her insistence that I take the bus - I don't mind doing that and killing an hour on the laptop, although I think it bothers my mom because she has to be in her bra during therapy. I actively stare at my laptop the last time that happened. I got enough mental problems.
My wife's got us all beat because she came home from the doctors yesterday and had a doctor's diagnosis of having pneumonia - so she's got the next few days off. She's not exactly having a ball having time off though, she's coughing pretty heavily and at times I expect some internals to fly out of her mouth, the way she's coughing so hard. She coughs like some protagonist with consumption in a tragic love story. I feel bad for her, and I ask her if she's okay while turning on the closed captioning to the TV.
As for me, the same old thing. They took the dressing out of my lower right tooth (but not the salad, the bastards), and now the hole in my mouth feels lonely and quite painful. So Vicodin's in my system and ibuprofen as well, chased with some whiskey and a handful of some pink pills I found behind the couch. I think it's cold medicine or birth control pills. I'll let you know in 9 months. But anyway, I'm supposed to irrigate my holey tooth with a syringe to make sure it's cleaned out. It tickles, but not as much as the rash on my hoohah.
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