Sunday, April 20, 2008

Twitter and Spending Money

So NPR talks about the Twitter goodness that goes on, and how it's changing forms of communication and it's all Web 2.0 and whatnot, so I decided to reactivate my account after losing interest and deleting my account. Well, got back in, and then to my disappointment it doesn't support my prepaid Sidekick plan, which means Twitter is just pretty much microblogging on the computer if I don't use it from my mobile. Hmm. So, there it goes, can't use it now. So much for Twitter.

Spending a bit of money on this odd Sunday, which has alternated between snow and a bit of sun. We've been hit by some odd April hail and snow, but after we emerged from Costco, it was a sunny spring day. Odd. Spend over 160 bucks at Costco, but also booking tickets for our Alcatraz cruise in May. Thankfully the kids are small enough to be freebies, otherwise it'd be costing a lot. Anyway, I'm fighting temptation to buy anything because it about a week I'll be blowing about 100 bucks on GTA IV and MarioKart. So I gotta be good for a while. But gaming goodness will be bestowed upon me.

Still doing the 58 hours a week schedule, though this week should be the last of it, and it'll likely only be a 48 hour week since the fiscal year ends on a Friday. Whatever, the OT will be worth the trouble. I never used to be a OT whore, but since I've had a month or two without any OT, I started to notice that cushion that the OT provided was actually kinda nice.

My friend loaned me his spiffy new iPod so that I could load it up with music and any video, and it helped inform me what to shoot for when I do have to replace my own iPod. My iPod's been acting up a little, but not quite worth replacing yet. It still does what it needs to relatively well, despite some soft resets throughout the day is inevitable. Not terrible of a reason enough for me to get a new one. But anyway, it doesn't settle any decisions about what I want to get, but it sure weigh it better. But man, 80 gigs is a lot of space to fill. I've thrown audio and video at it and there's still 40 gigs to fill. We're talking 3000 plus songs plus 6 or 7 movies and a bunch of podcasts. It doesn't stop.

The kids have been acting more human lately, and we believe that it's a strong correlation to the limitation of sugar we've placed on them. Way less junk food and candy makes for more agreeable kids. A noticable difference for sure.

Anyway, I'm distracted so I'll just end it here.

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