Saturday, May 19, 2007

I have to pee, then work...

So this will be a quick post.


Alex is getting the hang of it! We explored bribing, being nice and patient about potty training, even giving him Nintendo DS privilege when he's sitting on the potty, but both of our most matter of factly tricks finally worked. He has a 85-90% success rate during the day now, and he's been going to the potty, for the most part, unsolicited. What finally did it in was us agreeing that if he goes in his pants, he's going to have to take off his wet pants himself, put the pants in the sink, wash his hands, and wipe himself. And after about two days of that, he started to catch on a bit. My wife also had to come home prematurely a few times because he wet himself, so he's finally starting to understand the rationale behind going to the potty. He only missed going once today, but that's still pretty good. He actually already had one day with no accidents, so hopefully this will keep up.

You know, nobody ever makes a big deal when I go potty. Give me treats. Sigh.


So I've been trying out facial hair for a while - and I haven't been too happy about the way it's growing. It's not like, whoa, it's a keeper. I have to grow more hair now. It's more like... Huh. Is is supposed to look like pubic hair on my face? Why the hell is it standing out like it's out to spear errand food, or lean toward the sun for photosynthesis? It isn't the thick growth of hair usually associated with a mustache, but more of a smattering of hair. It's like the one time Calvin got Hobbes to draw some lines on his head because he had accidently shaven off his hair. I told my wife it's like someone took a Sharpie to my upper lip.

So I thought, maybe when I get my haircut, I'll look less like I'm auditioning for Asian Jesus and more like, I dunno, cool. Alas, my wife cut my hair a little too short, just a smidget above a crew cut with odd tuffs of long bangs in the front. Yesterday morning I went downstairs and told my wife, "I look like a motorcycle cop."

She laughs, and I'm pretty proud of myself that it got a laugh.

And she keeps laughing.

And I'm thinking... Well, it's not that funny.

And she's still laughing.

And I'm thinking... Oh my god, she's laughing because IT'S TRUE!

Crew cut with a goofy mustache, I look like Steven Zahn in "National Security". Ah well, I got a job seminar on Monday and though I've read that the company isn't real picky about looks, I'm very likely going to shave unless Tom Selleck appears to me in a dream and tells me to be more patient with my lip coat.

Don't worry, I'll likely put some self-indulgent photos before it gets shorn off.


Speaking of jobs, yeah, there's a job seminar I'm going to on Monday. Feeling excited about it, but not trying to get too excited about it because there's such a big demand for people wanting to work for Apple. I dunno, I think I'm really qualified for one of the positions, but trouble is I'm not really interested in the rest of the positions - mostly because I'm either not qualified enough to do the job or I'm not okay with part-time. I'll have to punch up the resume this weekend along with working like crazy on this one wedding that's due next Wednesday.

I have to pee.

1 comment: said...

hahaha you totally read my mind when you said the "dont worry i'll put up pictures" thing, i so wanna see your facial hair thingie... ive been going face-hairy again recently (yeah when you knew me i was face hairy but i was not face hairy for quite a while but its back in full strength these days) .. oh and congrats on the potty training... did you really make a little being that is already near potty trained that i havent ever even really seen?? wow life is weird, think it everytime i see your rapidly growing kids... fast!!