Yeah, this is one of those ranting posts about how everything is too much for me to bear, so I shall instead be a badger.
Final Cut Pro is a great program. It's very versatile, smart, and once you've mastered it you just can't do without it. Anyway, I've been using FCP3 since it was trendy, about 4 years ago or something. They're on FCP 5 now, and they don't even sell the program as its own. It's a whole suite with different programs bundled in now. Anyway, when I got it to run on OS 9, I was happy to have it run through the different variations of OS X. And it still works as a whole, except once in a while it runs into a memory jam. I believe it's something to do with how the OS used to handle the app's memory and how it has problems allocating the memory to OS X. Anyway, this recently has become a fat problem for me because due to a plethora of issues, I've had to import wedding footage from iMovie (that's a no-no since you have to rerender the audio and it's a huge waste of friggin' time,) and the problems have increased tenfold from there. The workaround the dropped footage has turned into a experiment in how much abuse I can take. A simple wedding to edit has become me sitting at my desktop, rendering a handful of clips at a time, then rebooting the program before it crashes, and then doing it again and again. ARGH. It's not important to anyone else, really. It's just what's bugging me.
So the other day I was driving my mom to the doctors when I noticed my wedding ring was gone. I went home, looked in sinks and then told my wife that it was missing. It had popped off a few times before, but not often enough for me to worry about it. But since I had no idea where or when I lost the ring, it was tough to even get started looking for it. My wife said to just wait a few weeks and see what happens. And sure enough, my Mom was putting Zoe in the car yesterday and she saw it on the floor of the car. I dunno, I wasn't thinking too much about the significance of it being that the ring was just an inexpensive one we picked up, and I think I was always hoping that one day I was in a position to upgrade our rings to something fancier. But my Mom said that you only have one wedding ring, and she was right. I'm glad it's back on my finger. It was feeling a bit weird without one. But you know, when it was still missing, you couldn't even see the identation that a wedding ring usually causes on a finger. That's how loose the ring was. If I shake my left hand hard enough, it would probably fly off and blind a nun. Because I'm just surrounded by nuns constantly.
Potty training for Alex is kicking our asses. Boy doesn't really care for it, doesn't matter that he's just wearing diapers and pants, he just goes. Sigh. We implemented a new strategy today - we converted the whole house into a big bathtub with multiple drains.
No, we just took a different approach to it. We told him that if he peed or pooped in his pants, he'd have to take off his pants himself, wipe his own bottom, then wash his hands. Boy, he isn't happy with any of that. But after being so stubborn for so long, and treating potty time as a prolonged joke, it's time for him to understand the core reason why he needs to go to the potty. Not to appease us or to amuse us, but because of a practical reason - to avoid being messy. Hasn't really gone anywhere with this yet, and I don't know if the message is coming through, but our laundry sure has piled up.
Working on my website - not this one of course, but one that encompasses all my creative work from years ago. I actually already have one for my production company, but since it's not a certified production company (and I think it's actually taken since then) and no one can steal my name, I just thought I'd stick it all under my website.
It's interesting to go back and look at some of the materials from my work - I had forgotten about some of the production photos and the stupid ass storyboards I drew - but it makes me really miss the process. And now I'm not even sure when I'll be able to get working on another project. I dunno, it's still under tons of construction, but if you're interested to look at it, it's under my name. I'm egotastic like that.
After using my yahoo for so long, I decided to try iGoogle for my "personalized" web hub, further enpowering the company to someday own my everloving soul. It's not bad, updates are a bit more frequent than yahoo, and since I use gmail, it certainly is more useful to glance how unpopular I really am. It's got some cool "gadgets" that you can even personalize - for instance, you can create a photo gadget from your own photos so that someone else who uses iGoogle who is stalking you can see your photos everyday. Or your RSS feed.
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