Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blogging from the Hospital

My wife's been having some pain in her abdomen and back for the last few days, and she's thinking bladder infection. She's drinking a ton to cleanse her system, with water and cranberry juice, and even taken some OTC medication that her stupid stupid boss suggested, in lieu of actually going home early.

Well, today before she went to work and she was just miserable. And when she came home tonight, she had a fever to boot. After a bit of considering (since we have absolute crap insurance and no extra money coming in), we decided to go to the emergency room.

And here we are.

They don't think it's a bladder or kidney infection, and they are going to run some blood work and also start an IV. There's talk of a CAT scan for her abdomen also. And all we're thinking about is how we can't really afford all of it.

Don't really know how long it'll be, but I reckon it's going to be a longish night. Oh boy. They haven't even officially started yet and it's almost 2:30 in the morning.

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