Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscars 2007

First of all, Zoe's fine. She woke me up this morning and she was pretty much tip-top, so we were happy. Normal Zoe can be very draining, but it's also one of her great attributes.


Well, there's exactly one person who cares about how I feel about the Oscars, but I don't like to refer to myself in the third person, but here's my score anyway. I got half of the noms correct, 12 out of 24, and I guess I've seen only about three of the films. The Departed, Little Miss Sunshine, and An Inconvenient Truth. I was surprised that Eddie Murphy and Cars didn't win, more surprised that Alan Arkin and Happy Feet did. I mean, c'mon... Happy Feet? I liked the singing portions great, but half the movie required a great deal of the suspension of my disbelief. When the film changes tones, it's not so much like, "Oh Great!" but more of a "Oooookay, I guess..." Weird.

And I'm glad to see Marty win, and he was such a shoo-in that they even got the Masters of the 70s auteurs to kinda receive him into the club, so to speak. Except Lucas who didn't really win one, but probably win get some honorary one bestow upon him when they figure he ain't got much time left. Anyway, I'm glad Marty won, even though I do have my misgivings about "The Departed."

The rest of it all, I guess was okay. Since I watched it on DVR, I skipped all the commercials and sorry to say, all the technical awards and their speeches. I mean, after all, we are watching what is equivalent to the Employees of the Year awards of the film industry.

I had two moments of yelling at the TV, when Happy Feet won and when the announcer said that the Departed was a remake of the Japanese film, "Infernal Affairs." I yelled that I was going to pee on his head, that it was a Hong Kong movie.

But you know, I do need to get a life.

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