Well, it's been a while since I posted, mostly because I've been a bit down on myself. The old job opening closed down on me as fast as it opened - apparently I was passed over because someone had more call center experience. Which is fine. What I didn't care for was that it should've been apparent from the resumes that I was not as experienced. The one day they had me go in to sit in with a rep for half an hour plus the company tour was just mean. It brought my hopes up and made me think that I was a shoo-in. So. That's that.
I applied for a different position at Nintendo, and one at a film post-production place. Hopefully I'll hear from someone, because I'm starting to get nightmares about it. Well, not nightmares per se, but certainly bothersome dreams that plague my restfulness. I dreamt that my wife had to go into church to steal collections, it was that bad. I think last night I dreamt about skipping classes, or being late for them. Fairly popular recurring dream of mine, missing classes, forgetting where my classes are, forgetting to do homework. And its been 6 years since I've been out of school.
Father's Day was pretty good to me today - no big event, and my present was already in my hands. I got myself a cell phone with prepaid service from T-mobile, which is, you know, boring. But the phone is awesome. I'm dorking out on how awesome it is. It's not iPhone awesome, and it doesn't have anything really fancy - the photos are just VGA quality. video is choppy... but it is one skinny little phone. And it has bluetooth. I'm not one of them yuppies who want bluetooth for the stupid earpiece, but I've always been stuck with photos and videos on my phone that have nowhere to go. But not anymore! I just bluetooth the photos or video over to my ibook, and yay! I have it on my computer without racking up airtime costs!
But the superdork in me has me doing more than that. I've transferred my own ringtone and a dorktastic video onto the phone. I don't know why, but just having that makes me feel all powerful and almighty.
Anyway, the kids have been just good to me today, like Zoe giving me an envelope that has "H" scribbled on it, and in it, a magnetic letter "H"! And they've been pretty sweet too, just generally nice to me.
Watching Letterman with Michael Moore on DVR, so my mind's scattered. So I'm going to do that now.
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