Generally posting because I'm a little bored, and on the weekends the tech blogs that I usually visit down update much. News is a bit slow, and it's raining outside. The kids are at the same table as I am, playing with PlayDoh, which I have wisely chosen to opt out because they'll want me to make something, and then promptly destroy it seconds later. Such is parenthood.
We went to Toys R Us today to get presents for Jane and Joseph, my grandchildren who are handily close to my own children's age. Joseph got some Transformers toys, which I'm sure his Dad will enjoy too. I myself never owned a lot or any of those toys in my seminal kid years - somehow it was a bit too macho and sci-fi for me. GI Joe was the other. I don't know why boys' toys have to be so hostile, but I suppose it's just society priming their young for their roles later on in life. Jane got a pair of roller skates, perhaps to skate away from the oppression of cultural norms.
Forgive me, having watched "The United States Vs. John Lennon" last night, I'm in a bit of an activist mode. I'm not a smart guy, so I have to watch pop documentaries to get me up to speed on history. For example, the documentary indirectly hints at the parallels between Bush and Nixon, and it's almost creepy that a president could handily repeat the same mistakes 30 years later. The documentary, was of course skewed in favor of Lennon, but it didn't have to try hard to do so. The Nixon administration was terribly paranoid and out of touch. Cocky as hell, too. Much like the current administration.
I technically have a wedding to edit, but I'm waiting on them to give me some song suggestions. I would wing it, but I can't wing the Spanish theme. They even had a Mariachi band and I have no idea what their first dance song was. I called them but no return call back, and their email either has me blocked, spammed, or just ignored. He's on Hotmail, and the spam filter on Hotmail is infamously inaccurate. The thing that this wedding memorable for me is the unfortunate misspelling on the souveniors they have for the guests. I don't know what was inside, but on the outside it said, "Groom and Bride's Weeding." Maybe there were some mini-shears inside the boxes.
I was going to talk about my constant habit of fussing with my facial hair (it's poky and fun to stroke) and I thought there might be a condition for it or something. Turns out, not really, but there is a lot of info regarding Chinese men and growing facial hair.
The good news is, most Chinese men like me will have the same type, kinda sparse, straight, and light growth that's mostly 'stache and light goatee. Any longer it veers into stereotype, any shorter hints at just coming into puberty.
The bad news is, seems like nobody likes a Chinese man with facial hair. The European/Americans who usually think it's manly to have facial hair, think that the Asian 'stache is either weak or strange. And the Chinese population think it's creepy. Everyone of them thinks like my Mom or something. That it's creepy, pervy, and whatnot.
But FYI, I went to the interview without trimming my facial hair this time. Just didn't care, mostly because I know that working in a call center wouldn't matter what the hell you look like. And Nintendo probably put more emphasis on work ethics and integrity than my pervy facial hair.
Well, better clean up this PlayDoh mess. Dinnertime.
1 comment:
goodbye to her career? for some reason i had the feeling the prison thing was all a publicity stunt, her flashing hoochie wasnt getting the news so much anymore, so why not prison? and as an extra bonus she can come out and write a book or use it as an excuse to be a "different person" or something...
loving the darthvadalex, coolness.
oh and ps. any word about mariohouse (im not using the real name either) job? anyway, goodluck with the hunt. oh and when i read weeding i thought they were stoners hahaha
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