Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Well, nothing really went on today, so technically I don't have anything worthy to write about - other than the fact that I feel like writing a bit. So I'll just go off for a little bit and get some words out of my head for this captive blog.

Stayed home the whole day doing some editing, and then some TV and youtube watching. Got a little envious of Xbox360 owners for being able to play "Dead Rising", this videogame whereby you're a photographer who gets trapped in a mall full of zombies, and you have all the weapons as your arsenal. You think it sounds like fun, and then you watch the gameplay footage and man, it's a bloody ball. Oh well, the Wii will have to suffice.

Which it is, really. I've been playing a bit of Zelda every day, and even though there's been times whereby I'm stuck and struggling, it never gets absurdly hard that a little exploration wouldn't solve. It's a pretty good game and it's insane that I didn't buy it for myself. Who would've thunk. Another thing I've been doing on the Wii is exploring the Virtual Console. I've only bought two games on it so far - Some ridiculously tough shooter called "Star Soldier" and "Kirby". Kirby's fun, though a bit on the easy side. The kids like it though. Pondering on Excitebike. I used to sneak over to a friend's house to play Excitebike, and it wasn't so much the races, but I remember building tracks on the edit mode and having fun with that. It is actually a pretty specific memory that it triggers, because I never owned a NES.

In other non-news, I guess some idiots, not including the salon owner, have decided to sell Britney Spear's hair on ebay for obscene amounts of moolah. It got me so cranky that I started insulting at the computer out loud - just seems like we haven't really gone very far as a civilization.

Tonight we also watched our Monday night goodness, which was Heroes and Studio 60. I like them both, though I'm cautious about Studio 60 because it's very possible that NBC will drop it and it won't see a second season. Despite how some people hate Aaron Sorkin's improbable situations, I still like the writing and the acting. And Heroes is really something too, with Stan Lee even dropping in for a cameo. I think though, the show works tremendously well because it doesn't mind dipping their characters in flaws. They're not even like, tormented because of the situations around them - most of the characters are pretty screwed up. It's a great ensemble showcase, though I don't think any of the characters are very interesting or good by themselves. I still think the acting in it is mostly just passable not to be distracting. Lost has better actors than Heroes, but Heroes have slightly better characters and story reconciliations.

Well, that's my nothing day.

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