Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Post From Mommy

So today Alex and I were working on his "homework" and Zoe is coloring in the next seat at the table. She announces that she has to go potty and runs to the bathroom. Sure enough a few minutes later, I hear her crying and knocking softly at the bathroom door. I immediately knew she had locked herself in yet again so I walked into the other room retrieve the knife stored away for such occasions, and while consoling her calmly unlocked the door. Picking her up I got the explanation from her.

"Wilbur (our cat) locked me in the bathroom", she tells me in between tears.

Ignoring her statement, I asked her if she locked herself in again and got the reply:

"No, Wilbur do it," She tells me, still in tears and obviously very upset.

I told her that I really didn't think Wilbur did it when Alex walks in from the other room and interrupts me.


"Yes, Alex."

"Wilbur can do that. He know how."

At that point I had to give up because, as we all know, there is really no winning over preschool logic. So there you have it. Wilbur the cat I guess is some mystical creature. Not only can he lock a bathroom door that a three year old cannot manage to unlock but he can do it when he is sleeping under the kitchen table. I know he can be a grouchy cat but he must really have something against three year old girls to be doing this kind of mischief.

1 comment: said...

more epic lulz, i was so picturing Wilbur the cat with a pirate patch and an evil grin. really had that image in my mind!!