Well, that's the movie I decided to have going on in the background while I blog. Speaking of which, I saw a clip of the newest Rambo movie that is still in production, and it's got a lot of jaded action fans actually excited. Mostly because it's forgone the whole PG13 route and dove right back into the excess of the 80s. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out in the theatres.
First off, there's the huge photo post. I chose Flickr over Twango this time because... well, honestly, Flickr gets a lot more traffic and Twango is sort of limited. But lo and behold, the long awaited photos of me with my little bitty facial hair. I've since shaven for that job seminar, even though I didn't really need to.
This surfaced on Friday or Saturday, and I'm delighted about the whole thing. Evidently a kind of flash mob, these guys dressed up as zombies and stormed a mall in San Francisco, attacking even the Apple Store. Well, most places weren't too happy about these guys, but the folks at Apple didn't mind much, even trying to take some photos themselves for their own amusement. That's pretty cool of them.
So my wife and I were at the mall eating at this pseudo Italian cafe, when I noticed that Robert Mak, the newsguy from King 5, was eating at the table behind us with his wife and baby girl. Oddly, this would be the second time I've seen him in person. The first time was years ago, when I was at an Asian American Journalist dinner. I was introduced to him and I thought to myself then - he's shorter than me. But anyway, throughout the whole thing, he was either not recognized or not bothered. I guess being a newsperson isn't really the same as being a movie star, but it was still interesting to see semi-famous people.
Alex plays on the DS while on the potty, as seen in the photo, right? Anyway, he's got Mario 64 on the DS, and I haven't gotten too far in the game, but you know, a good amount. I'm always worried that he will accidently erase some data, as he has done in my Mariokart. So I duplicated 3 save files, in case he gets a little tap happy. Well, you guessed it. He managed to delete all three save files. Grumble.
Wow, David Caruso's in First Blood. Cool.
So the job seminar is officially a week ago, and they had mentioned that they were going to contact us either way later last week. I've been obsessed about getting that phone call all this time. Everytime the phone rings, I look to see who's on caller ID. Last night I even looked through my caller ID on my freakishly cool cell phone in my dream, to see if they called. Anyway, I'll likely be looking for jobs tomorrow, to stave off my obssession about it.
Well, I had more in my head when I started, but First Blood is more interesting than I expected. Hmm.
nothing like a good 80s movie! :)
goodluck with how your life unfolds, and cheers on the new photos, they were trippy-cools! i need to update my blog, but ive been lazy..hmm
ps. i forgot to say... why did you shave your motorcycle cop beard?!?!?! it was so cool, must grow it back asap!!!
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