Friday, April 27, 2007

Miffed, Inspired, and Scared, all at once.

Did a wedding last weekend, right? The guy calls me up and wants the video in the next three days so that his parents can get a copy. If videography was really that easy, then I wouldn't be trying to get out of it, now, would I? I had to call up and tell his answering machine that the contract does state 6-8 weeks, and that I'm working on some current clients right now, both of which are 5 months late. So, sorry buddy. You're going to have to airmail that sucker. You're going to have to wait two months before you find out that your friends, relatives, and especially your officiant had blocked all the shots of you guys kissing. I find this line of work frustrating because of this. I need my ego stroked more often and my workmanship downplayed less.


I was watching "The Incredibles" a few days ago, and the montage whereby Robert Parr is suddenly more inspired, playing with his kids, being more active, looking and feeling better, and just being a better person because he had just recently gone back to his superhero activities - that's what I'm thinking might happen if I get out of this funk. Having a certain control over my career might reinspire me to be a better person. Certainly less cranky. Heard from a few close people that he tend to like it when I feel good about myself - I guess it's somehow easier to deal with and generally more pleasant when I'm positive.


So, financially, we've been scraping the bottom, which really blares out the notion that I should hurry up and finish the weddings, and get some job to save some money for a house. But my wife, despite it all, still insists that I should just get that movie made. Otherwise it'll just bug the crap out of me forever, and I think she's right. It's like Rocky Balboa talking about having to release that beast that's inside him. That he had one good fight left inside of him, and that he needed to get rid of it to continue on with his life. Well, it's not my last fight, but I've got to release something sometime soon. I'm oozing it out my ears, practically.

But thinking about working for about a month on a movie with no pay, a budget that's probably going to be completely on credit, and a crew with low stipends? That's freaking the crap out of me.

Oh yeah, I have to write it too.

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