Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Job Hunting, Kid Mentality, and Feeling Blue

Okay, can't spend forever blogging - a lot of serious work to be done here.

The miscellany things first.

Using Firefox right now because Safari's in dire need of a software update. It's been freaking out with gmail, blogger, and oh, well, basically everything I use. They'd better do something about it or their going to lose me fast.

Today was a really nice day, in the fifties or something, and the sun was even out. Did I see any of it? No, I had a killer headache that floored me. It's either I didn't get enough sleep - which punishes me by giving me crippling headaches, or I'm sensitive to light, thanks to those nice phobophobic genes that I've inherited from my Mom.

Anyway, after lunch I slept for about four hours, and the rest of the day I'm just feeling a little zombified, looking like it too. I was snappy with the kids, which was a shame because last night we had such fun - it was like hanging out with two mates except I don't usually change my mate's diapers. Anymore.

Back on task.

Yesterday I submitted two applications for full time positions, one at a Apple Retail store as a Creative, and the other to an insurance company. Not selling it, but rather being a claims rep. There's an open job thing with the insurance company tomorrow, so I'll be going there as well. Dunno, a lot of really uninteresting and ill fitting entry level jobs out there. I can't help but feel like I've really screwed things up, venturing back into videography and overbooking my ass. Stress is definitely creeping into my head because the videos are piling up, the money is running low, and the medical bills are oddly adding up quickly. Our electric bill came and I shat blood when I saw it. $230 plus. Who does that? What the hell did we do in the house? I thought I turned off the frickin' time machine before we left for the day. Damn time/space power hog.


The kids have been rather cute - it's always fun to listen to toddlers try to make sense of the world through their words. Often their logic is something so basic and refreshing that I envy them. Other times it makes no sense at all.

Our thing lately is identifying each other.

Wife: (points at Zoe.) What's Alex?

Zoe: Boy-ee!

Wife: (points at Alex.) What's Zoe?

Zoe: I Girl!

Wife: (points at Zoe.) What's Daddy?

Zoe: Daddy a Man!

Wife: (points at Zoe.) What's Mommy?

Zoe: Mommy a Lady!

Wife: (points at Zoe.) What's Ma Ma (Grandma in Cantonese)?

Zoe: Ma Ma Mango!

We don't know where she got that from, or what Grandma is that particular tropical fruit, but there you have it.

The other thing Zoe's been doing is strange introductions.

Alex sits up in the car seat.

Zoe: Oh hi there! What's your name?

Alex: I'm Alex.

They're practicing their social skills, but perhaps the best thing I've heard is them telling each other that "I loves you."


So I got my driver's license renewed, and the damn DOT managed to squeeze 10 bucks for a "late penalty", because my license had expired for four months, and that somehow causes the state to lose money or something. It's just absurd. I haven't scanned my ID yet, but my new photo is atrocious. I'd like to deny that that's my face, but I know that bloated chipmunk who's got chestnuts stuffed in his cheeks staring back at me is indeed, me. It's like I'm doing a permanent Brando impression.


But that's it. I think I've got to send out form letters to my clients, informing them of new due dates. I'm screwed and I've gotta get my ass in gear.

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