Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bunk beds

Its been a little busy on my end of things, with weddings, work, and wacky kids all thrown into the mix. Right now I'm at Walmart picking up bunk beds that I bought online and had shipped to the store, and then will probably spend a couple hours at home, with parts strewn all over the floor.


Well, here's the update. Drove 30 miles to Walmart only to find one of the pieces of wood was shattered, so we had to resort to plan B and got a second bunk bed from Freds. And because I started so late it didn't get finished, so the kids slept on half assembled, non-stacking beds last night. Hopefully I can get the beds done in a couple hours so that I can enjoy this nice weather for this weekend. So yeah, at Walmart right now returning the stupid thing.

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